v4.5.0 4.5.0 (2025-02-06) Bug Fixes added attributes required for semantic release (b4df0fc) semantic release issues fixed (4ba9423) Features added semantic release with github actions (40b5253)
v4.3.3 What's Changed feat: Added the ability to search talents through the meilisearch in the app. fix: Removed user feedback widget from the signup page. fix: Api vulnerability issue has been fixed. chore: Added the ability to auto fill the 'name' and 'email' of authenticated user. feat: User can now automatically logout from the auth0 after signing out from app. chore: Removed 'Signup with google' feature from the app. chore: Removed Google recaptcha from the app. feat: Added user profile data to the sentry incase of error. fix: Negative error issue has been fixed. feat: Added social connections linking in auth0.
v4.2.3 What's Changed feat: Sentry profiling is installed in app. chore: All the future timelogs have been made public. fix: Internal server error fixed on app logo in mobile view. fix: Payment section bug tested on external checkout section. fix: Timer checkpoint issue has been fixed.
v4.1.5 What's Changed chore: Change Functionality of "Search by Talent" Filter in the Password Section. chore: Added Last login when client user signsup. fix: Removed signup console logs. feat: Added the feature to auto logout mailbox from roundcube. feat: Roundcube mailbox are added to the iframe. fix: System Redirects User to Talent Page Instead of Deleting Talent issue has been fixed. fix: Missing Confirmation Box for Unsharing Password and mailbox with Talent issue has been fixed. fix: Add Redirect Links for Roles (Admin, Delivery Manager) in the "Talent" Section issue has been fixed. fix: Previously Added Data for "Related To" and "Activity" Fields should be Displayed at Checkpoint. fix: Missing Placeholder Text for "First Name" and "Email" Fields on the "Add User" Page. feat: Integrate meilisearch with the app. fix: Error when creating a task with fixed rate has been fixed.
v4.1.3 What's Changed feat: Allow admin/client to resend the invite for the users who got invited. fix: Fixed the payment issue on buying the service and also fixed url params. fix Delete user sessions if soft deleted for both talent and client users. fix: Fixed QR code issue in passwords section. feat: Added the ability to add checkpoint for the timer on admin side. feat: Added the ability to unshare mailboxes and passwords shared with the talents in talent section. fix: Fixed impersonation issue fixed for alreday loggedin users for resending invite email. fix: Pressing "Cancel" on the resend invite popup incorrectly shows a success message
v4.1.0 What's Changed chore: Added sorting functionality in passwords feature. chore: Added search by talent filter in passwords feature. Feat: Replace looker studio with Metabase in "Reports" section. chore: Add confirmation and loader for creating mailjet records. chore: Add the ability to add notes on start timer modal. chore: Add the functionality to copy the Domain records. feat: Added "My Passwords" section on admin sides to show shared and employee created passwords. feat: Added the ability to auto select timezone of client on signup. chore: Removed the QR code url from passwords edit modal. feat: Added mailjet DNS records on mailboxes section.
v4.0.3 What's Changed chore: Removed mailjet record and domain creation on creating new domain in the app. chore: Added the domain and record creation on mailjet feature when clicking on "create mailjet SMTP records". fix: Improved the validation on create and Edit mailbox. fix: Automatic password creation is restricted to 8 randomly generated characters/digits. chore: Now mail client rouncube opens in new tab when clicking on "Access mailbox". chore: Change layout of alternate domain record on the admin side. chore: Added note on Create and Edit domain modal for creating records on mailjet.