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This tool has been bootstrapped from scratch. If you want to support us, you can buy us a coffee (:


What's Changed

  • feat: Added clickup in the integration section on client side.
  • feat: Added the ability to connect and disconnect clickup.
  • feat: Added the ability to create a clickup task from app manually.
  • feat: Added the ability to add a default configuration of clickup in the integration section under Clickup on client side.
  • feat: Added the ability to sync the task with clickup task.
  • feat: Now whenever a comment or attachment is added it will also be reflected on the synced app task's feed.
  • feat: Now whenever a comment,timer and status is changed, it is automatically synced with clickup task.
  • feat: Added clickup icon on task information section on client side.
  • feat: Added the ability to create the task automatically on new task when the intake form is submitted.


What's Changed

  • chore: Change label for "share password" to "Assign Task" on client side.
  • fix: Create Custom task issue has been fixed.
  • fix: Create project on Custom task model issue has been fixed.
  • chore: Bonus bar is added even if the bonus are zero.
  • chore: Word "Credits" has been replaced with "Amount" on checkout of buy credits.
  • fix: Create or update password issue for using non alphabetical characters has been fixed.
  • fix: Client cache issue has been fixed on client side.


What's Changed

  • feat: If the user doesnt have enough credits for the task he can utilize all his credits and rest will be charged from his card.First priority is given to user credits.
  • feat: Ability to view bonus details on the buy credits modal.
  • chore: Removed "view keeper" option on client side.
  • chore: Added label for "private" plans.
  • chore: Added description of plan feature in tooltip on client side.
  • feat: Added the ability to custom order the plans for client side.
  • chore: Added the ability to edit client password records.
  • fix: Subscription name on client side issue fixed.
  • fix: Purchased Subscription Becomes Invisible to Client After Admin Makes it Private that issue is fixed.


What's Changed

  • feat: Bonus feature has been added,now client can get the bonus on buying credits.
  • feat: Added the ability to show a specific subscription to a specific client.
  • fix: Password feature edit and delete option has been fixed.
  • chore: Added subscription update and cancel webhook.


What's Changed

  • feat: Added "stats" feature in subscription table.
  • feat: Added a dedicated features section for creating and editing features that can be associated with multiple subscriptions.
  • feat: Added the ability to change feature icons by using Font Awesome classe and also added link for convinience.
  • feat: Added "clients" column in subscription table to show the total number of clients that subscribed the plan.
  • feat: Added the ability to view the history of the desired plan.


What's Changed

  • feat: Now the client can view the subscription in the app.
  • feat: Payments are also moved to Billing section beneath subscritions.
  • chore: When cancelling the subscription the client will move to default "Free" subscription.
  • chore: Client can also access customer billing portal to view invoices but cannot change the subscription.
  • feat: All the payments of "buy credits" and "External checkout" through card are being managed by stripe through stripe checkout.
  • chore: Remove decimals from service credits.


What's Changed

  • fix: Bug regarding create subscription modal that disappears in case of errors has been fixed.
  • fix: Welcome credits field showing error if leaving it empty, has been fixed.
  • feat: Delete and edit subscription are now sync with stripe account.
  • chore: Added email notification for updated,cancelled and renewed subscription.
  • chore: In case of card failure Stripe will manage the situation and send out emails accordingly.
  • feat: Proration for subscription has been added.
  • chore: Changed "$" to "credits" on services section for admin and client side.
  • fix: Added validation on months and weeks for welcome credits.
  • fix: Added restriction that Free subscription cannot be deleted.


What's Changed

  • feat: Added the ability to add subscription on stripe portal.


What's Changed

  • chore: Added the ability to add welcome credits to subscription plan and can add expiry date for them to expire.
  • chore: Now the credits of the subscription can be expired before the next stripe payment.
  • chore: Added the ability to add the coupon on the subscription.
  • chore: Added the ability of Custom subscription on special deals for specific client user.
  • chore: Added notifications for todos.
  • chore: Added create password option under the tasks for delivery managers and admin.
  • fix: Fix bug on deleting toDo.
  • fix: Fix user assignment bug on toDo.
  • fix: Fix plans UI for client


What's Changed

  • feat: To Do feature has been added.
  • chore: Added ability to claim reward that is without action button.
  • chore: Added label for expiring credits as "Expiry Date" and for expired credits as "Expired" on client side if admin approves the reward.
  • feat: On claim approval or rejection custom email can be send by adding the feedback otherwise default email will be sent.
  • feat: Added the feature to add custom messages at the time of reward creation and display to the client on reward approval.
  • chore: Due date,priority and assigned users are removed from validation.
  • chore: Add free subscription plan to all existing users if they havent subscribe to any plan.
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