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What's Changed

  • feat: Added the option to check or uncheck the task as completed when talent Logs time and if completed, email will be send to the delivery managers.
  • chore: Change Terms and Condition Url and make it open in new wndow.
  • fix: Fix bug if there is no webhook url in env.
  • fix: Success message disappear automatically after 2 sec.
  • fix: Loading functionality on sign in button.
  • fix: Changed "Edit Password" Modal's Label and rename button.
  • fix: Changed password success message Text.
  • fix: Validation error message bug fixed on Edit password modal.
  • chore: Create, Update and Delete service Webhook documented in Api integrations postman document.
  • feat: Added filters in "Get All Services" Api and documented in postman.
  • fix: Manual time doesn't add up to Total Hours issue fixed.
  • feat: Add/phone route and iframe.
  • fix: Validation for max text on Password has been fixed
  • fix: Persistence of Entered Data in New Project Popup and not being able to add description issue fixed.


What's Changed

  • fix: Last login issue has been fixed for talent that has recently been loggedin.and added the signup for the client.
  • feat: Added the ability to filter "Last Login" and "Sign up" column by starting and ending date.
  • feat: Added the ability in both "Last Login" and "Sign up" to sort both ascending and descending order.
  • fix: Terms and Condition page not opening in parent window issue has been fixed.
  • chore: Validation has been applied on creating and editing employee modal on client side.
  • fix: Modified the code for the embeded hubspot snippet for only ""
  • feat: Webhook is triggered on New/Update/Delete workflow for services
  • fix: Unable to create employee with the same email on client side issue has been fixed by restoring the deleted employee and updating it with the current details provided.
  • fix: Most of the services doesnot contain any service package that issue has been fixed by adding the ability to add it through "edit" service option.
  • fix: Update Password validation requiring characters to exceed a minimum of three.
  • chore: Created command that will check all active services and create their single package if not exist.
  • fix: On external checkout page credit option was not working that issue has been fixed.


What's Changed

  • feat: Have the ability to share the password with task on the password index page and share with task assignees and any other talent.
  • fix: When share for task on password page it doesn’t share with Talent issue resolved.
  • chore: Added loader on share modal on admin side.
  • chore: Added loader on share modal for axios requests on both client and admin side.
  • chore: Change description to panel and is non editable
  • chore: Added switch in feed as well as in create/edit modal for public/private description for password request in task feed and the pill is shown if the description is private.
  • feat: Allowed user to click to see password details on modal (title, description , sharables etc not the password)
  • feat: Added link to record in keeper (for admin side for all password records)
  • chore: Added validation on the password request form from admin side
  • chore: Added switch in feed for public/private for password request in task feed for client make it same like for any password.
  • feat: client also has the section of passwords and he can create new password and assign it to the task he wants.
  • chore: client also has the ability to create record on specific task page.
  • feat: Talent can request the password from the task feed, but the delivery manager has right to share the access of that shared password from client. and delivery manager can share any password with any task assignee talent or any other talent. When the client shared the password it create a record in keeper.
  • fix: Short description in Service Api issue has been resolved.
  • fix: Variations in the services cant be added or edited issue has been resolved
  • fix: External checkout issue where the edited prices cant be added and the previously added prices cant be changed.


What's Changed

  • feat: Hours Meter added in timer index page for showing total hours by filter.
  • fix: Activity log and Api last used key dates have been fixed.
  • feat: Create a feature "passwords" to display the index of Keeper records.
  • feat: Added the ability to create,edit and delete keeper record.
  • feat: Added the ability to share keeper record passwords to talents and also have the ability to view talents with whom the passwords have been shared.
  • chore: Have the ability to choose task assignees and share passwords with them.
  • chore: Added "eta" filter in the "Get all Tasks" api.


What's Changed

  • feat: Create badge on the timer index page that will show total hours of all the records in the database and have the ability to display the total hours of the selected filters.
  • feat: Created Api for creating task.
  • feat: Created Api for fetching all tasks and have the ability to search and add filters, and featch single task with all related fields.
  • feat: Created Api for adding feeds (message, note, file, iframe) to the task.
  • feat: Created Api for Updating Specific task's fields.


What's Changed

  • feat: Created services api for fetching single and multiple services.
  • chore: Updating talent api for fetching single talent with all related fields and ability to make talent "active" and "inactive".
  • feat: Enriching talent api by the addition of connectors (User platforms connected to a talent) and the ability to get all connectors of specific talent and talents connected to a specific connector.
  • chore: Version syntax of the app has been revised.
  • chore: Updated slack block kit by making order number,title and project title clickable.
  • fix: External checkout issue has been fixed.
  • fix: Issue with exporting the excel file for timers has been resolved.


What's Changed

  • fix: Issue while editing the Talent's timer has been fixed.


What's Changed

  • fix: Webhook issue on new client signup has been fixed.


What's Changed

  • feat: Added links of Wiki on both client and Admin side.
  • fix: Corrected format of checklist on new sign up added.
  • chore: Client welcome notification is on hold on demand.
  • chore: Link of Api Integration Guide is added in readme file.
  • fix: Bug regarding notifications sent to inactive employees has been fixed.


What's Changed

  • chore: Updated talent route in search service.
  • fix: Slack message notification and project link bug has been fixed.
  • chore: Updated employee text to talent.
  • fix: Slack channel access token bug has been fixed.
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