About this task

When it comes to email marketing, it's time to break free from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. We go beyond just being on-brand – we infuse creativity and strategic thinking to ignite click-through rates and deliver remarkable results.

What's included in our service:

  • Customized Email Template
  • Mobile and Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Social Media Links
  • Brand Matching Email Template

Ignite your email marketing efforts and unleash the full potential of your campaigns!

How to order

1. Submit the order

Place your order to begin the service process.

2. Checkout

Fill out an intake form to communicate your needs effectively.

3. Intake Form

Collaborate with our team to refine the service through multiple feedback iterations.

4. Order Created

Obtain the completed service or product as per your initial request.


No, we do not work with freelancers. In order to provide a better service, we only have in-house full-time staff

Our team works Monday – To Friday, 9am to 5pm

Yes, when the order is delivered, you are granted all the intellectual property rights.

Quality. Upwork and Fiverr are fantastic marketplaces, but it is also a gamble. You can end up with a great freelancer, or waste your time with a bad apple. Here all our talent is managed and full-time employees of the company

Hubspot Email Template Design (HTML/HUBL/CSS)

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Quality Guarantee
This job is NOT done by freelancers. We have an in-house team to deliver top-quality work.

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